Friday, September 26, 2014

Hi Everyone, 

  My name is Jennifer Perez and this is my first time blogging. I guess I'll tell you a little about myself. I was born and raised in the Bronx and I moved to Rhode Island when I was 19 years old because I wanted to meet my family, as well as my birth mother, and experience something new from I'm use to or my norm. I enjoy the people here in RI, they are so much nicer then New Yorker's. And now that I'm a mother I'll never move back but I do enjoy visiting. This is my first semester RIC as I look forward to my time spent here, it's very nerve racking because I worry if I can accomplish my goals of receiving good enough grades or gpa, well, I guess we will see. I know I want to be in the education field, but I'm undecided in which field, whether its in elementary, K-12, or secondary. Hopefully, by the end of this semester I will know.