Monday, October 6, 2014

Amazing Grace by Johnathan Kozol

Amazing Grace

 It's very interesting to see someone write about the Bronx, but I would have preferred to hear from someone who experienced what he write's about in a first person point of view. As I'm reading this article, it reminds me I'm grateful that I left New York. Korol asked question like how is it for children to grow up there? What do they think? Yes, its hard living in place like that but it really depends on how parents handle the situations. I think if your parents are very loving and try they best so that you can have a happy life no matters the circumstances. life is a little easier to handle or deal with. Don't get me wrong children still feel the struggle and pain but it helps when parents try to make things a little better. I can really relate to this article because I grow up in the South Bronx, I saw all of this growing up. I saw what drugs did to people I knew and loved. I  saw the effects of AIDS and the fear of it.
 Now, to the question about praying to God. I believe that's when as child you feel the pain of your life. When you're asking "Why God?", "Why I'm going through this?', or "please take this pain away?' and yes children actually ask these question, and yes it's heart breaking when you think about it, but it's life. We can't can't really do much about the surrounding as children.
This article brought so many emotions to me at least. I felt bias, I felt a little anger because someone from the outside was telling this story. I felt like he shouldn't because he didn't live these people lives.  he didn't know the struggles of being a child in the South Bronx. That it wasn't always bad especially when this is all you know. We don't compare our lives to what we see on TV or in books. We just know struggling is apart of life. What rights did he have to get famous over this. but as I continued to read I calmed down. He did give a voice to them, he made people aware of what was going on. at least I hope it did. I really connected to this article, it was so sad to read it because it brought back memories. Just reading about all the deaths, especially of children always breaks my heart. Remembering about the what drugs did to so many families and still to this day, is crazy and very sad. When comes to hospital's and AIDS, I always heard about the stories but never saw it first hand, at the hospital part. I saw what AIDS have done. I saw of this first hand because I have a big family and in the 80-90's I saw what drugs, AIDS, and being poor did to my family and friends.

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