Monday, October 6, 2014

Why Can't She Remember That? by Meier

This article was very informative, I didn't how important reading habit's for young children. When I worked with preschooler and kindergartner before, they were easily distracted and would run off and play instead of listening to the story. And I like to read a story in a way to keep their attention by expressing the emotions and sound effects, I get deep into character but sometimes it wouldn't keep them interested or they would do what some the kids did in the texts would do, punch the monster in the book. I didn't realize that it could be that they don't have experience with books. I try to read books that have different color character's because I want them to relate to the story. I'm a Puerto Rican mom so I know how important it is to read a book that shows characters that's not white. One of my favorite books to read to my daughter is I like myself by Karen Beaumont. It's a brown little girl and she explains that she'll like herself no matter what. I read this to her because on TV all she see and look up to are girls who are white with blond hair and when my daughter was little she wanted blond hair to related to what she see's, so I books with different color children so she relate to them and see that everyone it beautiful just the way they are.

1 comment:

  1. Such a good response! Im glad you connected the story with your personal life because you have had such great experiences through being a mom and working with the younger kids in classrooms. It is amazing how quickly we form opinions on children and try to put a reason as to why they act the way they do, whether we realize it or not. thinking of their behavior in a new light though is some what refreshing. We may not be able to put an answer to why the kids are acting the way they are but we can certainly help them by being aware of the possible situations. In this instance, if a child is not doing their homework and continuously has trouble with reading, one of the reasons we now know may be because they do not have someone at home to assist them. Your child obviously is getting a great up-bringing!
